Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Purpose

Not working for a year sounds great, doesn’t it? It did to me too. At first. Then I started to get scared.  Scared of not having an employer or work to provide me with a sense of purpose.  I know, it's silly to have work define me, but it is true.  Not completely, but mostly.  Work is a big part of who I am.  Who am I without work?  How does one find purpose in a year of travel? Seeing the sights didn’t seem purposeful enough or life changing enough. Then a friend introduced us to Servas – an organization that matches hosts with travelers with the idea of spreading peace by interacting with local people and learning about their lives. Whew. I found it.  I found purpose for traveling the world. We’ll be sleeping in our host’s homes, sharing a meal and potentially helping with daily chores. As we meet new people around the globe you can bet that our beliefs will be challenged, our perspectives transitioned, our hearts opened and we can’t wait. So, in addition to seeing the sights and being tourists; we’ll be learning and getting to know others who share our planet; in their own home. Being ambassadors of learning and peace suits us well and we hope we can live up to our new purpose, our new job.


  1. Hi Amy and Steve,
    You guys haven't even left yet, and I'm already enjoying your blog..can't wait to hear your stories from the road...I really enjoyed your post about paring your stuff down to fit into 2 bags...I'd love to hear what you did with all your stuff (sold it? Put it in storage?) I'd have a ton of respect if you sold it all and went totally Zen. I really admire the courage this kind of journey takes...way to go...take tons of pictures!
    -Steve Ricketts (a friend of Amy's from work)...

  2. We are excited to follow your travels. How exciting, scary, and fun all bundled in one. Wow! I have a blog I have been posting to for quite some time, so stop by for your Portland bird/garden fix when needed. Have a wonderful trip!- birdshop Michele

  3. Looks like tomorrow is the day!!! Have fun and remember we are all looking forward to hearing about your adventures...not to mention seeing the photo's.

    Loves to you both, Cin
