Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Driver’s Favorite Animal – Can you Guess?

Our driver was keen to find his favorite animal for us.  He loves to share his love for this creature and was extra motivated as we’d read that this particular mammal likes the area that we were in.  The grass was the right height for maximum viewing opportunities.  All eyes were on the look out. 

Which animal is it???  Try to guess…..

The reasons our guide likes this animal are that their tear stripes are really beautiful (and functional – they reduce glare) and the momma spends a long time teaching her young ones how to hunt.
They are built for speed and can run up to 70 mph.
They’re elegant and graceful.
They have lots of spots.

Have you guessed yet?




That’s right……Cheetahs……….And boy did we see cheetahs…..

Bachelor Brothers:

DSC08708   Look closely, they’re there, under the tree in the shade:DSC09603 Momma with cubs, looking for dinner:  DSC08161

The cubs have spotted their dinner but they don’t know what to do with it so they just watch:DSC09024 DSC08107 DSC08162 Momma on the hunt:

DSC08109 DSC08125  This time she got her target (we watched another time when she missed):

DSC08172 DSC08177

Providing for her family.  She’s a good mom with three hungry cubs: DSC08303

DSC08312DSC09017After watching these beautiful creatures hunt, stalk, kill, eat, groom, play, sleep and run we can see why Richard, our driver, likes them as much as he does.  We like them too!   DSC08137 DSC08336 DSC08101

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