Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vrooooooomming in the Slovakian Mountains….

DSC08942 “It’s 60 Euros, but I’ll let you have it, today only, for just 20 Euros” he said to me (Amy) with a smirk.  As nervous as I was, I quickly handed him the 20 and said nothing more.  In return he gave me four small pieces of paper and I was on my way again.  What did I buy for such a  bargain price?  IDSC06572’m guessing either his lunch or a few drinks.  In Slovakia, speeding tickets are paid on the spot, in cash.  Yes, I was stopped for speeding.   Dammit.  62 in a 50.  Kilometers per hour!  That’s 38 in a 31 to you and me.  There were no options for a court date, traffic school or sending the fine by mail.  But it was over quick.  The cop spoke English, DSC08945had a sense of humor, gave us advice on a nearby town and was a very good multi-tasker.  He pulled over and fined 3 other speeders during the short time we waited claiming that we were all caught on camera.  Hmmm…..where were the lenses? The lights? The van?  The proof? 
Speeding in Slovakia - It’s Steve’s turn to drive!

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