Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Es Lluviendo

(It's raining.) And we feel at home with this weather. The sun has been so shiny and bright the last few days so the rain is comforting for we Oregonians. We are luxuriating in a neighborhood cafe en el barrio Palermo Botanico cerca de nuestro apartmento. We try our best to understand the local periodico (newspaper). The story interests us as it is about our president Obama meeting with Argentina's president, Christina Kirchner, for a Nuclear summit. From what we understand the article indicates that the relationship between the two has been somewhat contentious and we wonder how the US papers have reported the meeting between the two, the same event. It's these types of discussions that we love to have while traveling. We don't often take the opportunity to think about how our global compaƱeros report the same news event and we are so grateful to do so on this beautifully rainy morning in a cafe with not another norteamericano in sight.


  1. Hey Steve, Amy!

    Just looking in on your travels - early morning, USA.

    Luv n X's


  2. Hi Amy and Steve! Nice haircut, Steve!! You look fast.....
    Love your postings so far...wonderful to take it all in at your leisurely pace! Are you "conversational" with the locals yet?
    xxoo, Gail

  3. I love all your photos! Keep 'em coming!
